
glass jars

One day I was presented with a jar of transparent glass

I was asked to describe what I saw there.

I saw crumpled aluminum, torn paper,

Coal, grime and expired chocolate.

So I was asked to look again

From another angle, and to start again.

From above, I saw dead flies

Pieces of fabric without interest.

So I was asked to open the jar, remove the first layer and look at the next one.

I saw the same thing.

So I was asked to observe better.

I saw a piece of dirty, closed sachet

I saw a third layer, hidden, that I wanted to discover.

So I was asked to remove that second layer, and look at the next one.


I saw a blue bag of M&Ns still good.

I saw jewelry there

I saw cookies there

I saw it as a treasure.

So I was asked how I could have found this treasure, in the heart of the jar.

So I get it.


I understood that we are all glass jars.

I understood that the first layer represented our physical appearance

And that sometimes, life filled her with rubbish, randomly.

I understood that the second layer symbolized our apparent behavior.

And that sometimes, life also filled her with waste, won over the bad memories.

That sometimes we can shout, we can insult, we can be silent, we can sulk

We can do everything to make our second layer thicker, more hideous

We can do everything to hide the blue bag of M&Ns still good.


I understood that by removing this detritus

That by scratching up to the third layer

You could find a small bag full of treasures.

One could find a heart filled with wonders.

There are people who only take into account the first impression

Which only take into account the first layer

There are people who think they are doing well by removing the first layer

But who stop at the second, discouraged.

There are people who sometimes do not have the courage or the desire to continue scratching

To keep searching to find.

To keep exploring to discover.


I imagine a world where there is only one layer in the glass jar, the third.


I imagine a world where all other layers are invisible

Disappeared from the eyes of the other glass jars

Ceased to exist because they no longer had any interest

Because they were no longer allowed to hide the small bag full of treasures.


I imagine a world where these treasures leave the jar

To walk, to meet others, to discover others

To unite in one and the same treasure.


I imagine a world where people are interested in others

Where people go beyond uninteresting conversations


Where people seek each other’s treasure

And do not get discouraged


I imagine a world where people ignore appearances

Ignore their prejudices

I imagine a world where everyone knows each other and others

Knows his treasure

Knows their treasure


I imagine a world where everyone is aware of everyone’s soul

Of the humanity of each

A world where everyone wants to progress

To make all the bad layers disappear from his glass jar.

And those of others.


I imagine a world without criticism

Without insults, without whispers, without contempt

I imagine a world where sadness becomes joy

Where anger becomes serenity


I imagine a world where no one is afraid to break their jar

A world where compliments

Interest in others, laughter, smiles and happiness

Fill the small sachet, which becomes clean, with the third layer.


I imagine a world where, to pierce all the defects

A radius of understanding is used

Then a ray of compassion

And a ray of smile.


I imagine a world where, to bring back the hidden wonders of each one

We illuminate the jar with a ray of love



I imagine a world where all these rays make bridges between glass jars

Bridges of friendship, bridges of love, bridges of discovery and understanding.

Bridges that despise prejudice, that bypass the first two layers of rubbish

Bridges between relatives, friends and strangers.


My glass jar has a hidden treasure

Your glass jar has a hidden treasure

Our glass jar has only one well-hidden treasure

A treasure to be pierced with perseverance and courage

And to illuminate with love.

March 24, 2010

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