to write
Soup tray, rice bread with a Viennese, I am writing a funny story here. That of a young girl reflecting on her life, deeply. That of a young girl questioning everything at the same time as she begins to adapt to her environment, to human relationships, to the people around her, to their stories, their particularities.
She is questioning all the ways in which everything is organized, orchestrated, done. She would like a more fluid world that requires asking fewer questions. Where people anticipate the reaction of their interlocutor sufficiently to prepare their speech and make it effective, clear, structured, always.
There would be less annoyance, fewer questions, fewer misunderstandings, more understanding.
She is imagining her future life.
She draws inspiration from everywhere. Of all the travel stories, of all the stories of “I left my job to do what I loved”, of all the backpackers who left with or without preparation, for a few weeks or a few years.
She thinks, “Why am I standing here? »
“Why do I want to follow the study-work-travel system only on weekends at all costs? (Note that this is already a start, some do nothing with their weekends while I try to optimize them)
“Why do I consider the question of money so much? Would I make my plans differently if I had money? »
“What is my current situation bringing to me personally? »
“What can I learn from my current situation so as not to regret it? »
“When will I leave, too? And with what goals? »
Another question fascinates her, questions her, makes her dream while accepting its opposite.
“Will I always go alone? »
“Who would be crazy enough to come with me and leave it all behind?” »
“Without knowing exactly where we will go and where we will end up? »
“Who would also have a crazy project to carry out while traveling? »
“How many more years to stay single seeing all my friends get married and be happy together?” »
“How many more years to discover myself before starting my maternity? Will my child come with me on my back on a catamaran around the world? »
“How will this change me? »
“What good in the world can I do on my travels? How can I continue to give if I am not working? What alternative, nomadic work could I find to do that could adapt to the different cultures and languages in front of me? How can I contribute to the world if I only enjoy its beauty and richness? »
What will I do with my talents?
What will I do with my continual desire to learn?
May 4, 2017