I don’t know what to write here
I’m not sure what to write here.
Lots of things come to mind.
Although I bought my ticket for the US, I don’t feel any particular excitement.
When I bought the ticket, I was very glad I did. Especially to be able to spend 1 week in Iceland and take a vacation.
I’m afraid of making a choice that won’t be accepted by society and the people who have supported me so far. School too. My former and current employers.
I’m afraid to make a choice that appears to be in total contradiction with my career so far.
I’m afraid of disappointing all the people I’ve asked for signatures and letters, from whom I’ve asked for time to finally not leave.
I’m afraid to announce a completely different career choice than what I’m doing now.
I’m afraid of not having a diploma when I’ve been told so often that it’s the most important thing, that it’s an open door for life.
That it was a network I could easily rely on afterwards.
That the engineering degree was going to make me pass for someone intelligent and serious and that it was necessary for the future.
I have a year left but I would like to stop everything already.
Do what I want now.
Going to China for 3 months, looking for my visa, buying a tent and adequate camping gear, starting the search.
June 19, 2017